50+ Coupes de Cheveux Courtes

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Styles de cheveux courts. Soit vous les aimez, soit vous les détestez, soit vous en avez peur. Jamais peur. Ce guide vous aidera à comprendre quels styles courts valent la peine d’être choisis. Si vous souhaitez changer d’apparence en 2023 et opter pour quelque chose d’un peu moins exigeant, pourquoi ne pas envisager l’un de ces styles flatteurs ? Cela peut être amusant et stimulant d’apporter un changement significatif à vos cheveux. Venez faire un tour du côté court.

Nous vous aiderons à choisir la coiffure la plus flatteuse !

We will help you to pick the most flattering hairstyle!

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Comment coiffer les cheveux courts ?

Ce n’est pas parce que vos cheveux sont courts que vous ne pouvez pas vous amuser avec. Il existe de nombreuses façons d’ajouter de l’intérêt aux cheveux courts.

Prenez par exemple le bob polyvalent. Bien qu’il ne soit pas entièrement court, le bob est un style mi-court qui offre des options infinies. Si vous avez un carré superposé, vous pouvez ajouter quelques boucles avec un fer à friser ou des rouleaux chauds et faire des vagues lâches. Les couches ont l’avantage d’ajouter de la hauteur et du volume à la forme de votre visage, ce qui est particulièrement flatteur, surtout pour les personnes qui ont des pommettes saillantes.

Si vous préférez un style court et élégant, vous pouvez utiliser un gel et sécher les cheveux avec une brosse plate. Terminez-le avec un sérum brillance et vous obtiendrez un style court glamour et chic.

Les cheveux courts sont intemporels et peuvent être portés par presque toutes les formes de visage et tous les types de cheveux. Pourquoi ne pas réduire de quelques heures votre routine matinale et reprendre un peu de votre vie ? Bien que les cheveux courts puissent être un changement spontané, avec un peu de réflexion, de considération et une consultation professionnelle avec votre coiffeur, vous trouverez forcément une coupe de cheveux courte que vous adorez.

How To Style Short Hair?

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Meilleures idées de style pour les cheveux courts et raides

Les cheveux courts et raides peuvent être pointus, portés lisses ou ébouriffés pour une variété de formes et de looks différents.

Un lutin classique est l’exemple parfait d’une coiffure courte et droite. Un gel ou une mousse ajoutera du volume et aidera à séparer les cheveux afin qu’ils aient du mouvement et se soulèvent à la racine.

Un lutin peut également être porté doux et ample avec des couches plus longues et brillantes qui ajoutent une touche féminine. Pensez à Twiggy, à son lutin moderne mais ludique et à sa frange émoussée.

Parce que les cheveux raides manquent de texture et de courbure, vous pouvez toujours compter sur la couleur des cheveux pour pimenter les choses. Le meilleur, c’est que, comme les cheveux sont courts, vous ne courrez jamais le risque de causer trop de dégâts si vous décidez d’opter pour des teintes platine ou d’ajouter des morceaux de couleur multidimensionnelle.

Blond foncé Blunt Bob à raies latérales avec des racines foncées

Side-Parted Blunt Bob Dark Blonde With Dark Roots

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Crédit photo : Gigi Hadid via Tinseltown/Shutterstock

Si vous souhaitez ajouter une touche d’originalité à vos cheveux courts, pourquoi ne pas le faire avec une partie latérale pointue ou des racines foncées ? Ces deux looks peuvent ajouter un certain intérêt à un style autrement court. Il est facile de créer des looks différents avec des cheveux courts lorsque vous comptez sur les produits coiffants et la couleur des cheveux plutôt que sur la technique.

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Rooty Blonde Bob

Rooty Blonde Bob

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Crédit photo : instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

Si vous êtes prêt à porter une coupe courte cet été, nous avons les options de coupes de cheveux et de styles mignons que vous recherchiez. Avec les exigences élevées des femmes de nos jours, on comprend pourquoi les femmes recherchent une coiffure facile pour les cheveux courts.

Que vous envisagiez d’obtenir un lutin, un carré, un cône ou un autre type de coupe, vous pouvez ajouter du style en obtenant une frange ou en ajoutant des boucles au mélange. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire court cette saison tout en faisant tourner les têtes. Rejoignez l’équipe des cheveux courts et restez au frais cet été.

Cheveux courts avec une frange

Short Hair With Bangs

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Cette jolie coupe de lutin intemporelle est une excellente option si vous voulez avoir des cheveux courts impertinents avec une frange. L’ajout de la frange attire vraiment l’attention sur les yeux. C’est une coupe amusante qui a fière allure même si vous décidez de renoncer à l’option frange.

Avec sa facilité d’entretien, il est simple de comprendre pourquoi elle figure parmi les meilleures idées de coiffure pour cheveux courts. Il existe des options de frange latérale, de frange complète ou, si vous aimez vraiment pousser les choses à la limite, même une micro-frange !

Pixie long en flèche

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Balayer un lutin vers l’arrière est une façon ravissante de diversifier votre routine de coiffure. En plus de donner une apparence très séduisante et attrayante, cette coupe de cheveux s’intégrera parfaitement à n’importe quelle tenue, qu’il s’agisse d’une promenade décontractée avec un ami, d’une sortie nocturne ou d’un rendez-vous. La meilleure chose est que cette coiffure permet diverses personnalisations, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez ajouter de l’individualité et insuffler du caractère à ce style simple.

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Conseil de coiffure : Avant de commencer le coiffage, préparez vos cheveux avec un après-shampooing lissant conçu pour rendre les cheveux plus faciles à coiffer. Pendant que vos cheveux sont humides, appliquez un peu de mousse texturisante, puis passez au sèche-linge en brossant vos cheveux vers l’arrière.

Coupe au bol

Bowl Cut

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À ce stade, vous êtes probablement confus. “Si c’est un bol, pourquoi a-t-il l’air si sexy ?”. Oui, il est temps de vous dire la vérité sur ce cauchemar d’enfance : les cheveux au bol n’est plus une coupe de cheveux fade que certaines personnes feraient effectivement avec un bol sur la tête. Cette coupe a connu plusieurs transformations, devenant l’une des coupes de cheveux courtes les plus recherchées par les femmes. Vous pouvez mélanger cette coupe avec des lutins et des bobs, ainsi qu’expérimenter leur texture. Et voici comment vous pouvez améliorer votre lutin en adoptant une approche inspirée du bol. Et n’oubliez pas les couches !

Conseil de style : Vous pouvez laisser cette coupe de cheveux sécher à l’air libre et la terminer simplement avec un passage de fer plat pour un look droit, et un passage de fer à friser pour une ambiance séduisante et ondulée.

Pixie à longues couches à balayage latéral

Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie

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Si vous voulez laisser votre lutin devenir sauvage et faire ce qu’il veut, il est préférable de le laisser à plusieurs couches. Contrairement à la coupe classique, la superposition ne coupe aucune longueur mais élimine le poids supplémentaire qui empêche vos cheveux de paraître dynamiques et volumineux. Une fois que votre long lutin est suffisamment long, la meilleure façon de le coiffer est de le balayer d’un côté. Une telle coiffure donnera à votre visage une jolie touche de cadrage tout en ayant un look moderne et polyvalent.


Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie


Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie


Conseil de coiffure : Si vous souhaitez appliquer moins de chaleur sur vos cheveux, laissez-les sécher à l’air avec une couche de brouillard salin. Une fois que vous remarquez que vos cheveux sont presque secs, ébouriffez-les autant que possible pour créer un look ébouriffé sans effort.

Undercut Pixie

Undercut Pixie

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Un lutin est un choix parfait pour les femmes qui ne manquent pas de confiance en elles. Mais un lutin en contre-dépouille ne fonctionnera que pour les plus audacieux.

Montrez-leur à quel point vous êtes sauvage ! De plus, si vous détestez passer beaucoup de temps à coiffer vos cheveux chaque matin, l’une de ces coupes de cheveux vous conviendra parfaitement. Réveillez-vous, lavez-vous et partez ! Vos cheveux sont déjà parfaits !

Undercut Pixie

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Et comme vous pouvez le constater, les coupes de cheveux de lutin sont assez polyvalentes en ce qui concerne le choix des couleurs. Vous pouvez avoir fière allure, que vous optiez pour une teinte de cheveux plus naturelle ou super vive.

Pixie court

Short Pixie

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Un lutin plus court a l’air plutôt cool, et c’est pourquoi de nombreuses femmes, y compris des icônes de la mode, choisissent de telles coupes. De plus, vous n’aurez aucune difficulté à le coiffer le matin.

Short Pixie

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Pensez-y, vraiment, qu’est-ce qui peut demander moins d’entretien qu’un lutin plus court ? Ces coupes saccadées semblent amusantes, audacieuses et cool. Associez-les simplement à la couleur la plus flatteuse et vous obtiendrez le look qui offre un effet maximum et un minimum d’effort. Lorsqu’il s’agit de coiffer de tels lutins, il devient clair pourquoi ils sont considérés comme les meilleurs styles de cheveux courts de tous les temps : ils sont simples et frappants à la fois.

Longue lutin

Long Pixie

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Gardez votre lutin plus long si vous souhaitez paraître plus sophistiqué. En coupe dégradée, le lutin plus long conviendra parfaitement aux cheveux fins, offrant le volume nécessaire même sans aucun produit coiffant.

Mais si vous souhaitez opter pour un style, la longueur plus longue permet de nombreuses options. Des looks élégants et droits aux coiffures ondulées et féminines, le choix est ici assez large.

Blonde Long Pixie

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De plus, vous pouvez toujours ajouter une texture impertinente avec votre gel texturant préféré. Plusieurs gouttes changeront votre look de façon spectaculaire !

Layered Bob Style

Layered Bob Style

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A layered bob haircut can grant you the look desired by everyone these days. Opt for this cut, and you will appear fresh and rested as if you just spent some luxurious time at a resort.

There are many finishes available, which means that you can find the perfect layered bob for your hair type. Overall, layering makes the bob more up-to-date. Plus, these haircuts are not high maintenance.

best short haircuts hairstyles gold blonde layered straight shaggy

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Maybe that is why celebs who are often spotted on the red carpet opt for layered bobs. These haircuts offer you a huge variety of styling choices, from sleek to textured and tousled to wavy.

Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

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Modern hairstylists point out that an angled bob is quite a versatile haircut.

Why? Because you can wear it the way you wish: wavy or straight, sleek or messy, and look chic. And these beautiful shapes that are peculiar to angled bobs can be easily enhanced by various colors.

Angled Bob

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Styling Tip – To get a bit tousled, carefree look, start with washing your tresses and applying some texturizing product while they are still wet. You can replace the texturizing product with a heat protectant in case you wish this hairstyle to appear more natural and less edgy. Proceed with blow-drying your tresses, styling them with a medium round brush. Finish with medium-hold hairspray, and you are ready to go.

Bob With Bangs

Bob With Bangs

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Tell us, who doesn’t love a chin-length bob with a bang? This haircut is especially flattering for those who have defined cheekbones and would like to accentuate them. Also, this cut can grant more texture to your tresses.

Bob Haircut With Bangs

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You should opt for a chin-length bob in case you would like to enhance movement and add some fullness but without adding curls. Just look at these super hot hairstyles! These color variations appear especially up-to-date. What is more, these looks will be appropriate for a day at the office and also for a night out on the town.


Over 100 Best Short Hair Styles For 2023


Best Short Hair Styles



Short hair styles. You either love them, hate them, or are afraid of them. Never fear. This guide will help you understand which short styles are worth making the cut for. If you’re looking to change your appearance in 2023 and opt for something a little less demanding, why not consider anyone of these flattering styles? It can be fun and empowering to make a significant change to your hair. Come take a walk on the short side.

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We will help you to pick the most flattering hairstyle!

We will help you to pick the most flattering hairstyle!

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How To Style Short Hair?

Just because your hair is short doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with it. There’s plenty of ways to add interest to shorter hair.

Take for example the versatile bob. While not entirely short, the bob is a medium-short style that has endless options. If you have a layered bob, you can add some curls with a curling iron or hot rollers and rock some loose waves. Layers have the advantage of adding height and volume to your facial shape, which is especially flattering, especially on people who have prominent cheekbones.

If you’d rather have a sleek short style, you can use a gel and blow dry hair straight with a paddle brush. Finish it off with a shine serum and you’ll have a short style that’s glamourous and chic.

Short hair is timeless and is can be worn by nearly every facial shape and hair type. Why not shave some hours off your morning routine and take a little bit of your life back? While short hair can be a spontaneous change, with some thought and consideration and professional consultation with your hairstylist, you’re bound to find a short haircut you adore.

How To Style Short Hair?

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Best Styling Ideas For Straight Short Hair

Straight short hair can be spiked, worn smooth, or tousled for a variety of different shapes and looks.

classic pixie is the perfect example of a short and straight hairstyle. A gel or mousse will add volume and help piece apart the hair so that it has movement and lift at the root.

A pixie can also be worn soft and loose with shiny longer layers that add a feminine touch. Think of Twiggy, and her modern, yet playful pixie and blunt bangs.

Because straight hair lacks texture and bend, you can always rely on hair color to spice things up. The best part is, because hair is kept short, you’ll never run the risk of causing too much damage if you decide to go platinum hair shades or add chunks of multi-dimensional color.

Side-Parted Blunt Bob Dark Blonde With Dark Roots

Side-Parted Blunt Bob Dark Blonde With Dark Roots

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Credit photo: Gigi Hadid via Tinseltown/Shutterstock

If you want to add some edge to your short hair, why not do so with a sharp side part or dark roots? Both of these looks can add some interest to an otherwise short style. It’s easy to create all different looks with short hair when you rely on styling products and hair color rather than technique.

Rooty Blonde Bob

Rooty Blonde Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

If you’re ready to go short this summer, we have the options for cute haircuts and styles that you’ve been looking for. With the high demands of women these days, it is understandable why women are in search of an easy hairstyle for short hair.

Whether you think about getting a pixie, bob, taper, or another type of cut, you can add flair by getting bangs or adding curls into the mix. There are plenty of ways to go short this season and still turn heads. Join the short hair don’t care crew and stay cool this summer.


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Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/styled_by_carolynn

If you’ve fought the battle of thin hair, you have most certainly explored lots of options for the best short hairstyles for thin hair. Still, we bet you’re going to find your go-to in our gallery.

Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/styled_by_carolynn

There are several cuts that can volumize your thin hair with just a swipe of the seemingly magical scissors. Not only will you have more volume the texture added to your hairstyle, but you will also transform it in a way you didn’t think was possible.

Layered Long Pixie Hairstyle

Layered Long Pixie Hairstyle

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Long-layered pixies can be so much fun. This cut can be worn by nearly anyone, young or old. Ask your stylist to add some soft layers and push hair back with a spritz of hairspray.

If you’re ready to ditch the round brush and endless hours of styling your long mane, you might just discover that a long and layered pixie cut can be liberating and still plenty feminine.

These styles may inspire you to head to the salon, and walk out a totally new version of yourself! Which short hairstyle is your favorite?

Short Hair With Bangs

Short Hair With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

This timeless cute pixie cut is a great option if you want to have sassy short hair with bangs. The addition of the bangs really draws attention to the eyes. This is a fun cut that looks great even if you decide to forego the bangs option.

With its ease of maintenance, it is simple to understand why it is among the best hairstyle ideas for short hair. There are options of side-swept bangs, full bangs or if you really enjoy taking things to the limit, even a micro-fringe!


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Swept-Back Long Pixie

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Sweeping a pixie to the back is a ravishing way to diversify your styling routine. Apart from giving a very seductive and attractive appearance, this haircut will nicely fit into any outfit, be it a casual walk with a friend, a night out, or a date. The best thing is that this hairstyle allows for various customizations, which means that you can add individuality and breathe character into this simple style.

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/deborah__darling

Styling tip: Before getting to styling, prep your hair with a smoothing conditioner designed for making the hair manageable. While your hair is damp, apply some texturizing foam, and then go on to work your way with a dryer, brushing your hair to the back.

Blue Punky Pixie With Undercut

Blue Punky Pixie With Undercut

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Gone are those days when short haircuts were associated with limitations. Today, the variety of options for short hair is so vast, and the diversity of short hairstyles is so huge, that there’s no way you will ever feel limited with choice! And here’s a mind-blowing mix that makes women go crazy – a pixie undercut. This haircut embraces the edginess and attitude of a pixie and the edginess of an undercut. Isn’t that a fantastic way to show off your bright personality? Add some color, and you will love this combo even more. Besides, it allows for various styling experiments.

Styling tip: For a spiky finish, apply some lightweight styling pomade to your dry hair. Then, form spikes, tousling your hair a little so that they look effortless.

Bowl Cut

Bowl Cut

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Credit photo: instagram.com/joeltorresstyle

At this point, you’re probably getting confused. “If it’s a bowl, why does it look so sexy?”. Yes, it’s time to tell you the truth about this childhood nightmare: the bowl hair is no longer a bland haircut that some people would actually do with a bowl on their heads. This cut has gone through several transformations, becoming one of the most sought-after short haircuts for women. You can mix this cut with pixies and bobs, as well as experiment with their texture. And here’s how you can upgrade your pixie by taking a bowl-inspired approach to it. And don’t forget about layers!

Styling tip: You can leave this haircut to air dry, and simply finish it with a pass of flat iron for a straight look, and a pass of a curling wand for a wavy flirty vibe.

Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie

Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/joeltorresstyle

If you want to let your pixie grow wild and do its own thing, it’s better to leave it up to layers. Unlike regular trim, layering doesn’t cut off any of the lengths but gets rid of the extra weight that keeps your hair from looking dynamic and voluminous. Once your long pixie grows long enough, the best way to style it is to sweep it to one side. Such a hairstyle will give your face a nice framing touch while having a modern, versatile look.



Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie



Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie


Styling tip: If you’d like to apply less heat to your hair, let it air dry with a coat of salt spray. Once you notice your hair is almost dry, tousle it up as much as you can to create an effortless disheveled look.

Undercut Pixie

Undercut Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

A pixie is a perfect choice for women who do not lack self-confidence. But an undercut pixie will work for the most daring only.

Show ‘em all how wild you are! Plus, in case you hate spending much time styling your tresses every morning, one of these haircuts will work great for you. Just wake up, wash, and then go! Your hair already looks perfect!

Undercut Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/shorthair_love

And as you can see, pixie haircuts are quite versatile when it comes to the color choice. You can look awesome whether you opt for a more natural or a super vivid hair shade.


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Short Pixie

Short Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/ro.hsiqueira

A shorter pixie looks pretty cool, and that is why many women, including fashion icons, choose such cuts. Plus, you won’t have any difficulty in styling it in the morning.

Short Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cutyourhair

Just think about it, really, what can be less maintenance than a shorter pixie? These choppy cuts appear fun, bold, and cool. Just pair them with the most flattering color, and you will get the look that is the maximum effect and minimum effort. When it comes to styling such pixies, it becomes clear why they’re considered the best short hair styles ever: they’re simple and striking at once.

Long Pixie

Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/stylemargaret

Keep your pixie on the longer side if you wish to appear more sophisticated. As a layered cut, the longer pixie will work great for fine hair, providing the necessary volume even without any styling product.

But if you do wish to go for some styling, the longer length allows for many options. From sleek and straight looks to wavy and feminine hairstyles, the pool of choice is quite large here.

Blonde Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/andrewdoeshair

Plus, you can always add some sassy texture with your favorite texturizing gel. Several drops will change your look in a dramatic way!

Layered Bob Style

Layered Bob Style

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

A layered bob haircut can grant you the look desired by everyone these days. Opt for this cut, and you will appear fresh and rested as if you just spent some luxurious time at a resort.

There are many finishes available, which means that you can find the perfect layered bob for your hair type. Overall, layering makes the bob more up-to-date. Plus, these haircuts are not high maintenance.

best short haircuts hairstyles gold blonde layered straight shaggy

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Credit photo: instagram.com/krissafowles

Maybe that is why celebs who are often spotted on the red carpet opt for layered bobs. These haircuts offer you a huge variety of styling choices, from sleek to textured and tousled to wavy.


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Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

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Credit photo: instagram.com/xostylistxo

Modern hairstylists point out that an angled bob is quite a versatile haircut.

Why? Because you can wear it the way you wish: wavy or straight, sleek or messy, and look chic. And these beautiful shapes that are peculiar to angled bobs can be easily enhanced by various colors.

Angled Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/petermenezes

Styling Tip – To get a bit tousled, carefree look, start with washing your tresses and applying some texturizing product while they are still wet. You can replace the texturizing product with a heat protectant in case you wish this hairstyle to appear more natural and less edgy. Proceed with blow-drying your tresses, styling them with a medium round brush. Finish with medium-hold hairspray, and you are ready to go.

Bob With Bangs

Bob With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cutyourhair

Tell us, who doesn’t love a chin-length bob with a bang? This haircut is especially flattering for those who have defined cheekbones and would like to accentuate them. Also, this cut can grant more texture to your tresses.

Bob Haircut With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cut_and_color

You should opt for a chin-length bob in case you would like to enhance movement and add some fullness but without adding curls. Just look at these super hot hairstyles! These color variations appear especially up-to-date. What is more, these looks will be appropriate for a day at the office and also for a night out on the town.

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

Straight bob is back in town! And today, it’s on the top of the best short hairstyles chart.

Unlike their messy compatriots – straight bobs are the ones to relieve you of the pain of time-consuming styling. All you need to deal with a straight bob is your naturally straight hair and a little bit of help that a hair straightener can provide. As simple as that!

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

But the variety of choices is still huge so that there will always be something to win your heart for sure!

Brush Up Hairstyle

best short haircuts hairstyles brush up blonde

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

As we enter the new year in the hair industry, we discover more and more spectacular ideas and ways to style short hair. The greatest news is, the short hairstyles 2020 female fashion icons go for are pretty simple. Yet, they’re unbearably striking, and this brushed-up pixie is a perfect example of the latest styling approaches.

There’s nothing easier than to work some pomade or lightweight gel in your pixie and brush it toward the back. But, that’s enough to breathe character into your look and get an impressive hairstyle that will work for all occasions!

One Length Blunt Style

One Length Blunt Style

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Credit photo: instagram.com/brianaguilarhair

Now that minimalism has taken over everything from clothing to short hair styles for women, the ever-popular blunt bob has gained exceptional popularity. In fact, this cut is the little black dress that will look fabulous on everyone!

Blunt Styled Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

And even though the one-length bob doesn’t feature any sharp angles or dramatic flips, it has a different weapon – the beautifying power. Here’s a hint: this cut stands on top of short hairstyles for thick hair and oval faces. The moderate length and well-leveled body can keep a thick mane balanced, and hence manageable. As for its simple silhouette, it’s actually what can enhance the beauty of oval faces!


Over 100 Best Short Hair Styles For 2023


Best Short Hair Styles



Short hair styles. You either love them, hate them, or are afraid of them. Never fear. This guide will help you understand which short styles are worth making the cut for. If you’re looking to change your appearance in 2023 and opt for something a little less demanding, why not consider anyone of these flattering styles? It can be fun and empowering to make a significant change to your hair. Come take a walk on the short side.

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We will help you to pick the most flattering hairstyle!

We will help you to pick the most flattering hairstyle!

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How To Style Short Hair?

Just because your hair is short doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with it. There’s plenty of ways to add interest to shorter hair.

Take for example the versatile bob. While not entirely short, the bob is a medium-short style that has endless options. If you have a layered bob, you can add some curls with a curling iron or hot rollers and rock some loose waves. Layers have the advantage of adding height and volume to your facial shape, which is especially flattering, especially on people who have prominent cheekbones.

If you’d rather have a sleek short style, you can use a gel and blow dry hair straight with a paddle brush. Finish it off with a shine serum and you’ll have a short style that’s glamourous and chic.

Short hair is timeless and is can be worn by nearly every facial shape and hair type. Why not shave some hours off your morning routine and take a little bit of your life back? While short hair can be a spontaneous change, with some thought and consideration and professional consultation with your hairstylist, you’re bound to find a short haircut you adore.

How To Style Short Hair?

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Best Styling Ideas For Straight Short Hair

Straight short hair can be spiked, worn smooth, or tousled for a variety of different shapes and looks.

A classic pixie is the perfect example of a short and straight hairstyle. A gel or mousse will add volume and help piece apart the hair so that it has movement and lift at the root.

A pixie can also be worn soft and loose with shiny longer layers that add a feminine touch. Think of Twiggy, and her modern, yet playful pixie and blunt bangs.

Because straight hair lacks texture and bend, you can always rely on hair color to spice things up. The best part is, because hair is kept short, you’ll never run the risk of causing too much damage if you decide to go platinum hair shades or add chunks of multi-dimensional color.

Side-Parted Blunt Bob Dark Blonde With Dark Roots

Side-Parted Blunt Bob Dark Blonde With Dark Roots

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Credit photo: Gigi Hadid via Tinseltown/Shutterstock

If you want to add some edge to your short hair, why not do so with a sharp side part or dark roots? Both of these looks can add some interest to an otherwise short style. It’s easy to create all different looks with short hair when you rely on styling products and hair color rather than technique.

Rooty Blonde Bob

Rooty Blonde Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

If you’re ready to go short this summer, we have the options for cute haircuts and styles that you’ve been looking for. With the high demands of women these days, it is understandable why women are in search of an easy hairstyle for short hair.

Whether you think about getting a pixie, bob, taper, or another type of cut, you can add flair by getting bangs or adding curls into the mix. There are plenty of ways to go short this season and still turn heads. Join the short hair don’t care crew and stay cool this summer.


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Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/styled_by_carolynn

If you’ve fought the battle of thin hair, you have most certainly explored lots of options for the best short hairstyles for thin hair. Still, we bet you’re going to find your go-to in our gallery.

Classic But Edgy Voluminous Platinum Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/styled_by_carolynn

There are several cuts that can volumize your thin hair with just a swipe of the seemingly magical scissors. Not only will you have more volume the texture added to your hairstyle, but you will also transform it in a way you didn’t think was possible.

Layered Long Pixie Hairstyle

Layered Long Pixie Hairstyle

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Long-layered pixies can be so much fun. This cut can be worn by nearly anyone, young or old. Ask your stylist to add some soft layers and push hair back with a spritz of hairspray.

If you’re ready to ditch the round brush and endless hours of styling your long mane, you might just discover that a long and layered pixie cut can be liberating and still plenty feminine.

These styles may inspire you to head to the salon, and walk out a totally new version of yourself! Which short hairstyle is your favorite?

Short Hair With Bangs

Short Hair With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

This timeless cute pixie cut is a great option if you want to have sassy short hair with bangs. The addition of the bangs really draws attention to the eyes. This is a fun cut that looks great even if you decide to forego the bangs option.

With its ease of maintenance, it is simple to understand why it is among the best hairstyle ideas for short hair. There are options of side-swept bangs, full bangs or if you really enjoy taking things to the limit, even a micro-fringe!


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Swept-Back Long Pixie

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Sweeping a pixie to the back is a ravishing way to diversify your styling routine. Apart from giving a very seductive and attractive appearance, this haircut will nicely fit into any outfit, be it a casual walk with a friend, a night out, or a date. The best thing is that this hairstyle allows for various customizations, which means that you can add individuality and breathe character into this simple style.

Swept-Back Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/deborah__darling

Styling tip: Before getting to styling, prep your hair with a smoothing conditioner designed for making the hair manageable. While your hair is damp, apply some texturizing foam, and then go on to work your way with a dryer, brushing your hair to the back.

Blue Punky Pixie With Undercut

Blue Punky Pixie With Undercut

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

Gone are those days when short haircuts were associated with limitations. Today, the variety of options for short hair is so vast, and the diversity of short hairstyles is so huge, that there’s no way you will ever feel limited with choice! And here’s a mind-blowing mix that makes women go crazy – a pixie undercut. This haircut embraces the edginess and attitude of a pixie and the edginess of an undercut. Isn’t that a fantastic way to show off your bright personality? Add some color, and you will love this combo even more. Besides, it allows for various styling experiments.

Styling tip: For a spiky finish, apply some lightweight styling pomade to your dry hair. Then, form spikes, tousling your hair a little so that they look effortless.

Bowl Cut

Bowl Cut

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Credit photo: instagram.com/joeltorresstyle

At this point, you’re probably getting confused. “If it’s a bowl, why does it look so sexy?”. Yes, it’s time to tell you the truth about this childhood nightmare: the bowl hair is no longer a bland haircut that some people would actually do with a bowl on their heads. This cut has gone through several transformations, becoming one of the most sought-after short haircuts for women. You can mix this cut with pixies and bobs, as well as experiment with their texture. And here’s how you can upgrade your pixie by taking a bowl-inspired approach to it. And don’t forget about layers!

Styling tip: You can leave this haircut to air dry, and simply finish it with a pass of flat iron for a straight look, and a pass of a curling wand for a wavy flirty vibe.

Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie

Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/joeltorresstyle

If you want to let your pixie grow wild and do its own thing, it’s better to leave it up to layers. Unlike regular trim, layering doesn’t cut off any of the lengths but gets rid of the extra weight that keeps your hair from looking dynamic and voluminous. Once your long pixie grows long enough, the best way to style it is to sweep it to one side. Such a hairstyle will give your face a nice framing touch while having a modern, versatile look.


Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie


Side-Swept Long Layered Pixie


Styling tip: If you’d like to apply less heat to your hair, let it air dry with a coat of salt spray. Once you notice your hair is almost dry, tousle it up as much as you can to create an effortless disheveled look.

Undercut Pixie

Undercut Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/hairgod_zito

A pixie is a perfect choice for women who do not lack self-confidence. But an undercut pixie will work for the most daring only.

Show ‘em all how wild you are! Plus, in case you hate spending much time styling your tresses every morning, one of these haircuts will work great for you. Just wake up, wash, and then go! Your hair already looks perfect!

Undercut Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/shorthair_love

And as you can see, pixie haircuts are quite versatile when it comes to the color choice. You can look awesome whether you opt for a more natural or a super vivid hair shade.


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Short Pixie

Short Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/ro.hsiqueira

A shorter pixie looks pretty cool, and that is why many women, including fashion icons, choose such cuts. Plus, you won’t have any difficulty in styling it in the morning.

Short Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cutyourhair

Just think about it, really, what can be less maintenance than a shorter pixie? These choppy cuts appear fun, bold, and cool. Just pair them with the most flattering color, and you will get the look that is the maximum effect and minimum effort. When it comes to styling such pixies, it becomes clear why they’re considered the best short hair styles ever: they’re simple and striking at once.

Long Pixie

Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/stylemargaret

Keep your pixie on the longer side if you wish to appear more sophisticated. As a layered cut, the longer pixie will work great for fine hair, providing the necessary volume even without any styling product.

But if you do wish to go for some styling, the longer length allows for many options. From sleek and straight looks to wavy and feminine hairstyles, the pool of choice is quite large here.

Blonde Long Pixie

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Credit photo: instagram.com/andrewdoeshair

Plus, you can always add some sassy texture with your favorite texturizing gel. Several drops will change your look in a dramatic way!

Layered Bob Style

Layered Bob Style

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

A layered bob haircut can grant you the look desired by everyone these days. Opt for this cut, and you will appear fresh and rested as if you just spent some luxurious time at a resort.

There are many finishes available, which means that you can find the perfect layered bob for your hair type. Overall, layering makes the bob more up-to-date. Plus, these haircuts are not high maintenance.

best short haircuts hairstyles gold blonde layered straight shaggy

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Credit photo: instagram.com/krissafowles

Maybe that is why celebs who are often spotted on the red carpet opt for layered bobs. These haircuts offer you a huge variety of styling choices, from sleek to textured and tousled to wavy.


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Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

Angled Bob Short Hair Styles

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Credit photo: instagram.com/xostylistxo

Modern hairstylists point out that an angled bob is quite a versatile haircut.

Why? Because you can wear it the way you wish: wavy or straight, sleek or messy, and look chic. And these beautiful shapes that are peculiar to angled bobs can be easily enhanced by various colors.

Angled Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/petermenezes

Styling Tip – To get a bit tousled, carefree look, start with washing your tresses and applying some texturizing product while they are still wet. You can replace the texturizing product with a heat protectant in case you wish this hairstyle to appear more natural and less edgy. Proceed with blow-drying your tresses, styling them with a medium round brush. Finish with medium-hold hairspray, and you are ready to go.

Bob With Bangs

Bob With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cutyourhair

Tell us, who doesn’t love a chin-length bob with a bang? This haircut is especially flattering for those who have defined cheekbones and would like to accentuate them. Also, this cut can grant more texture to your tresses.

Bob Haircut With Bangs

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Credit photo: instagram.com/cut_and_color

You should opt for a chin-length bob in case you would like to enhance movement and add some fullness but without adding curls. Just look at these super hot hairstyles! These color variations appear especially up-to-date. What is more, these looks will be appropriate for a day at the office and also for a night out on the town.

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

Straight bob is back in town! And today, it’s on the top of the best short hairstyles chart.

Unlike their messy compatriots – straight bobs are the ones to relieve you of the pain of time-consuming styling. All you need to deal with a straight bob is your naturally straight hair and a little bit of help that a hair straightener can provide. As simple as that!

Best Short Hairstyles For Straight Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

But the variety of choices is still huge so that there will always be something to win your heart for sure!

Brush Up Hairstyle

best short haircuts hairstyles brush up blonde

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Credit photo: instagram.com/chrisjones_hair

As we enter the new year in the hair industry, we discover more and more spectacular ideas and ways to style short hair. The greatest news is, the short hairstyles 2020 female fashion icons go for are pretty simple. Yet, they’re unbearably striking, and this brushed-up pixie is a perfect example of the latest styling approaches.

There’s nothing easier than to work some pomade or lightweight gel in your pixie and brush it toward the back. But, that’s enough to breathe character into your look and get an impressive hairstyle that will work for all occasions!

One Length Blunt Style

One Length Blunt Style

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Credit photo: instagram.com/brianaguilarhair

Now that minimalism has taken over everything from clothing to short hair styles for women, the ever-popular blunt bob has gained exceptional popularity. In fact, this cut is the little black dress that will look fabulous on everyone!

Blunt Styled Bob

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Credit photo: instagram.com/salsalhair

And even though the one-length bob doesn’t feature any sharp angles or dramatic flips, it has a different weapon – the beautifying power. Here’s a hint: this cut stands on top of short hairstyles for thick hair and oval faces. The moderate length and well-leveled body can keep a thick mane balanced, and hence manageable. As for its simple silhouette, it’s actually what can enhance the beauty of oval faces!

Deep Asymmetrical Short Hairstyle For Thick Hair

Deep Asymmetrical Short Hairstyle For Thick Hair

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Credit photo: instagram.com/crishairr

Asymmetrical short hair styles for women are definitely out of time and space. A couple of years ago, we would consider a blunt bob as a classic. But today, with the overwhelming women’s will to experiment and look different, asymmetrical bob cuts have become a new classic. And we absolutely love them, especially on thicker textures!

Asymmetrical Short Hairstyle

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Credit photo: instagram.com/kawaicat_white

Just look how curvy and well-structured this thick mane is: this once unruly edges now softly fold to frame the face. Well, that’s another reason you should go for it, as it’s one of the hottest short hairstyles for round faces. Besides, the touch of imbalance makes things much more interesting!

Funky Disheveled Pixie Style

Funky Disheveled Pixie Style

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Credit photo: instagram.com/exotismos

Those who still believe that cutting hair short means cutting down on cute short hairstyles simply don’t know how to style short hair! Such short cuts as pixies allow women to experiment with anything from texture and layers to color and length graduations, even though they’re short! In fact, the only thing that you will cut down on is the time you spend styling your hair.

Styling tip: To recreate this disheveled masterpiece, you need to ask your stylist for long angled layers and a soft fringe. Then, leave it all up to a texturizing spray: apply it to your damp hair and let it air-dry.

Edgy Lavender Short Hairstyle With Aqua Tones

Edgy Lavender Short Hairstyle With Aqua Tones

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Credit photo: instagram.com/ashvaughanhair

There are so many awesome things to do with short hair that there’s no way you won’t look unique! We want you to have a closer look at this gradual bob: do you see this seamless flow of shades and the way the angled body enhances the aqua colors? As you might have guessed, this is how perfectly tailored short women hairstyles look.

While you can replace these shades with your favorite ones, don’t skip such a nice volumetric styling idea. A heat protectant, round brush, and minutes of drying are what will give you this cute versatile look.

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